relayed from tho Grand
Super Cinema, Westboume. Musical Director, Isadoro Godowski
Spanish Talk. S.B. from Manchester
S.B. from London
This is the first of a series of six fortnightly Talks on one of the most interesting political combinations known to European history-The Hanseatic League formed in the thirteenth century by the most important trading towns of the North German and Baltic coast, which increased in wealth and power until it was at one time stronger than the Holy Roman Empire itself. The History of the Hanseatic League reveals in a striking way the whole economic and political conditions of Europe at the time, which made it possible for this combination of towns to influence European policy and practically to monopolize north European trade. Mrs. Gee Nash knows the Baltic, as it is now, at first hand, and in her previous literary and travel Talks for the Bournemouth Station she established her reputation for graphic and convincing word pictures.
S.B. from London