" by Mr. Lee Nichols. Orchestra relayed from the Bungalow Cafe, Southampton. Musical Director, Arthur Pickett.
Songs and Stories.
NEWS.S.B. from London.
Talk on Australia, " Mixed Farming. by a Successful Farmer. S.B. from London.
layed from the Opera House, Manchester.
On this evening an effort will be made to give a wireless representation of John Citizen at home. Picture the cosy fireside ; a few cheery stories ; the family playing charades and musical chairs. The young daughter Molly volunteers to play the piano, but is advised to desist in favour of the loud speaker which provides a varied programme. Some criticisms are levelled at the musical fare provided, and a heated argument follows. The parrot is called upon for a few remarks. A band passes by; everybody rushes to the window, but are soon drawn back on Molly's suggestion to clear the room for a dance.
Conducted by Capt. W. A. FEATHERSTONE. March, " Colonel Bogey " Alford Overture, " Light Cavalry "
Suppe Selection , "Faust".... Gounod
S.B. from London.
" The Stream of Life : Evolution-The Solution.' S.B. from London.
Local News.
Waltz in C Sharp Minor .. Chopin Concert Study in D Flat... Liszt " Palabra " .......... Leo Livens