Programme Index

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(Why would'st thou Grieve?)
ST. Ass's Choir
Conducted by T. H. MORRISON
S.B. from Manchester

This is one of the fifteen so-called 'Chorale Cantatas' - based throughout on simple and splendidly dignified chorales - composed during the years 1728-1734, probably about the end of that period. They throw a clear light on Bach's amazing richness of invention: each of these many choruses, all built on the same somewhat stereotyped plan, has its own strongly marked individual character. The orchestral accompaniments, especially of the solo numbers, offer striking examples of Bach's delight in seizing on some imago which the text offered him, and setting it before us with a wealth of musical illustration. In the bass aria, 'auf ihn magst dues wagen' ('trust thou in Him to guide thee'), the first violins rush about in the most joyous way, while the bass of the organ part flows in a quieter happiness: even more impressive is the way in which the tenor voice and the organ combine to depict the turnings and twistings of Satan in the aria, 'Wenn auch gleich aus der Hollen' ('E'en hadst thou been assailed.')
The opening number is a fantasia on the chorale 'Von Gott will ich nicht lassen' ('From God I shall not depart'), the melody in the soprano, with a rich accompaniment for two flutes, two oboes d'amore, violin, viola, and organ (continue): the final chorale (the same one) has also melodious parts for orchestra and organ in 6-8 rhythm.
I. - Chorus.
Why would'st thou grieve in sadness? My soul; One loves thee well; Yield thee to Him in gladness, To Him, Immanuel:
Trust thou in Him alone,
Thy feet 'tis He that guideth And raiment meet provideth For all who are His own.
II. - Recitative (Bass):
For God forsakes man never, Whose faith in Him is sure; His own He guardeth ever.
Whose hearts are staunch and pure, Whatever may betide.
So be thou ne'er affrighted, With joy thy way if lighted, For God is by thy side.
III. - Aria (Bass):
Trust thon in Him to guide thee, Believe with all thy might.
And He will aye provide thee With ev'ry good and right. Whatever God ordains That can no man alter,
His word can never falter, His truth alway remains.
IV. - Aria (Tenor):
E'en liadst thou been assailed By Satan and his host,
His pow'r had nought availed, Thy soul thou hadst not lost:
E'en Hell thou mayst withstand. In guilt would Satan bind thee,
Thou canst him put behind thee-For God is thy right hand.
V. - Aria (Soprano):
In righteousness He reigneth, And watcheth over thee,
His will no man disdaineth, What e'er his pow'r may be. And if God say us nay,
Our own way still pursuing Leads but to our undoing-God's will we must obey.
VL. - Aria (Tenor)
Thy way, O Saviour, choosing, I yield myself to Thee, AH other gifts refusing
Save what Thou off'rest me. And come Thou soon or late, Thy time is best, Thy season; 1 question not nor reason-Believing still, I wait!
VII. - Choral:
Let me show forth Thy praises Thro' all my life's long day ; In song my spirit raises
Its thanks to Thee alway, O Holy Three in One !
Thy grace for aye endureth, And from all harm secureth; O Father, Spirit, Son.
(English Text by D. Millar Craig, Copyright BBC, 1928

Cantatas for the next four Sundays are:-
Dec. 15. No. 125 - 'Mit Fried und Freud fahr' ich dahin.' ('In peace and joy I now depart.')
Dec. 22. No. 1- 'Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern.' ('How fair appears the morning star.')
Dec. 29. No. 122 - 'Das neugebor'ne Kindelein.' (Brightly shines The new-born Babe).
Jan. 5. Nos. 68 and 50 - 'Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid' ('Oh God, how many a grieving Heart') 'Nun ist das Heilund die Kraft ('Now shall the grace')

(For 3.45 to 5.45 Programmes see opposite page)

W. H. Squire (Violoncello)
The Wireless Orchestra
Conducted by John Ansell
Although a Bohemian by birth, Edward Napravnik spent the greater part of his life in Russia and is honourably remembered for his splendid work as conductor of the Opera at St. Petersburg. During his thirty-five years' service there, he conducted over 3,000 operas, of which no fewer than sixty-two were first productions of new works. Among these were many operas by Russian composers, so that Russian music owes him a very real debt of gratitude. With his mastery of the conductor's difficult art, he combined a real gift for organizing, and, though he insisted on the strictest discipline, it was all done with so pleasant a manner that he was not merely respected everywhere, but held in warm affection. It was largely due to him that the standard of performance rose to a very high pitch and that the standing of the singers and players was very much improved. It is often the case when a composer is occupied day in and day out in interpreting the work of other people, that his own is tinged with reminiscences of better-known music; Napravnik's, nevertheless, shows a real mastery of the orchestral resources, and it has a charm and attractiveness of its own, so that many of his operas enjoyed real success in his own day. He died in 1915 at the good old age of seventy-six.
LISTENERS know Mr. W. H. Squire as a brilliant violoncellist, whose playing is distinguished by a very finished technique and a specially big and broad tone; they are familiar, too, with many of his fresh and breezy songs and with quite a number of the melodious pieces he has given to his own instrument.
His musical gifts showed themselves at a very early age, and he was only twelve when he won a scholarship for the violoncello at the Royal College of Music. He made his firs.t important appearance at the old St. James's Hall at the ago of twenty, and has ever since taken a distinguished place in British music.
Besides the smaller pieces and songs which have won so wide a popularity, he has written a Concerto for violoncello and two Operettas. He has, moreover, enriched the violoncellist's repertoire with a big number of arrangements of older music, wisely chosen, and laid out for the instrument by one who is not only a master of all its resources, but a well-equipped musician also. This splendidly melodious concerto by the great Handel may very likely be new to most listeners ; there must be quite a large number of Handel's instrumental pieces which are still hidden away on the shelves of libraries, and it is still possible to unearth music stamped with all his fine gifts which has been almost wholly neglected since his own time. It is one of the remarkable pieces of musical history that for generations he was known to us in this country by only one work, though he was, in fact, one of the most industrious and prolific of composers all his life.

(London only)

Appeal on behalf of ST. MARTIN'S CHRISTMAS FUND by the Rev. PAT MCCORMICK , relayed from St. Martin's-in-the-Fields THE St. Martin's Christmas Fund was started by the Rev. H. R. L. Sheppard some twelve years ago. Through it, many who would otherwise have had no chance of sharing in the happiness of Christmas have had some measure of good cheer made possible for them. The Fund, which is administered' privately, is being carried on by the Rev. Pat McCormick , the present Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. There are no administrative expenses connected with it. St. Martin's has been brought into touch with numbers of people all over the country and thus has a unique opportunity of helping those who most deserve it, but least expect it.
Contributions should be addressed to [address removed]

5XX Daventry

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About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More