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LIVIO MANNUCCI (Violoncello)
Conducted by B. WALTON O'DONNELL
THERE were two brothers Marcello, both of whom were important figures in their own day, but it is the younger, Benedetto, who is best remembered. A lawyer by profession, he held several important Government posts, and was a real scholar in more than one branch of learning. But in spite of heavy official duties, he found time to win distinction both in music and in literature, and his biggest work is still regarded as taking a very high place in the history of music. It consists of eight folio volumes of Psalms for one, two, three or more voices with figured bass, and sometimes with obbligatos for violins and violoncello. The collection was held in esteem not only in Marcello's native Italy, but elsewhere, and the whole eight volumes were published in an English edition in 1757. He wrote a good deal of instrumental music, too, as well as songs, madrigals, operas, cantatas, and at least one oratorio, furnishing the texts himself for all these last. He wrote besides on musical and other subjects, and many of the European libraries have interesting MSS. of his. To us, one of the most interesting is a Cantata Timotheusfor which the text is a translation by Marcello of Dryden's poem. It is in the State Library at Dresden. His music was so highly thought of even in his own day that it is odd to find our historian Burney speaking rather slightingly of it, suggesting that it had been too much praised and that it was not very original. Burney was so much more often carried away by his enthusiasms that it is odd to find him at variance with a contemporary verdict which history has whole-heartedly endorsed.
There is a monument to Marcello in the Church of San Giuseppe at Brescia, recording his achievements as statesman, musician and poet. It is almost solely as musician that we hold him in grateful remembrance now.
EVEN in its original form as pianoforte music, the piece by the Russian composer Liadov contrives to give an excellent imitation of an old musical toy-a musical snuff-box which produced little tinkling tunes. In this arrangement, the Glockenspiel and other delicate-toned instruments of the band have even less difficulty in bringing off the same illusion. Apart, however, from its interest as an imitation, it is a charming little piece, dainty and melodious.
HOLST is one of the comparatively few modern
English composers who have shown a real interest in the value of Military Band music, by composing specially for it.
This Suite is in three movements. The first is a Chaconne, a modern treatment of an old form in which the music is built up of one phrase repeated over and over, generally in the bass, although occasionally in other parts, and with constantly varied treatment and interest. The second is a melodious and graceful intermezzo, and the third is a lively and vigorous March with a thoroughly popular march tune.

Dramatic Overture, ' Phedre ' - Massenet
JOSEPH FARRINGTON Woo thou thy Snowflake ('Ivanhoe ') - Sullivan
The Two Grenadiers - Schumann
BAND Fantasia from the Ballet, 'Coppélia' - Delibes
LIVIO MANNUCCI Largo - Marcello, arr. F. Pollain
Le Papillon (The Butterfly) - Caix d'Hervelois, arr. F. Pollain
BAND Russian Peasant Dance, ' Kukuska ' - Lehar
A Musical Snuffbox - Liadov
JOSEPH FARRINGTON Two Scottish Airs:O were I on Parnassus Hill - arr. Henschel
Gae bring to me - arr. George Short
BAND First Suite Chaconne ; Intermezzo; March - Holst
LIVIO MANNUCCI Rhapsodie - Popper
BAND Six Waltzes, Op. 39 (First Selection) - Brahms, arr. Gerrard Williams

The Speech known as the Begum Speech, to support the impeachment of Warren Hastings , Esq., delivered at Westminster Hall on June 13, 1788, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
IN 1775, the year that Burke delivered his speech on Conciliation, Sheridan, his junior by twenty years, was producing The Duenna and negotiating for the purchase of Drury Lane Theatre. Five years later, in 1780, he entered Parliament, having already, in the words of Byron, ' written the best comedy (School for Scandal), the best opera (The Duenna-in my opinion far before that St. Giles's lampoon the Beggar's Opera), the best farce (The Critic), and the best address (Monologue on Garrick).' Eight years later still, ' to crown all, he delivered the very best oration ever conceived or heard in this country.'
Upon the subject which inspired it, the impeachment of Warren Hastings , Burke and Sheridan, though mutually antipathetic, and, in a sense, rivals, were united. The great political philosopher had moved the impeachment in the House of Commons with dazzling eloquence. With equal brilliance the dramatist and wit had brought forward the charges relating to the spoliation of. the Begum Princesses of Oude. He was appointed one of the ' managers ' to make good the charges in Westminster Hall. There, over a period of four days, he delivered the Begum Speech, which fulfilled Byron's dictum that, ' whatever Sheridan has done, or chosen to do, has been par excellence, always the best of its kind.'

(No. 185) BACH
Relayed from the Church of the Messiah, Birmingham
KATE WlNTER (Soprano)
G. D. CUNNINGHAM (Continuo)
Conducted by JOSEPH LEWIS
The Cantata for the fourth Sunday after Trinity is a beautiful work. There is no introductory sinfonia; the first Duet begins at once with the melody in the continuo, followed at two bars' interval by the soprano and tenor voices in imitation. Throughout the Duet the oboe plays the melody of the old Chorale 'Ich ruf zu dir' ('I cry to Thee').
The Duet is followed by an elaborate
Recitative for the alto voice with a sustained accompaniment from the strings with a bass in the continuo.
The third number is an Aria for the alto with an expressive obbligato which the oboe and first violin play for the most part in unison.
The bass follows with a recitative and aria accompanied only by the continue, and the concluding Chorale has a free solo violin part as well as the usual continuo accompaniment.
English Text by D. Millar Craig ,
Copyright B.B.C., 1928.
1.—Duet (Soprano and Tenor) :
Compassionate Heart of the Love everlasting,
Awaken my spirit to knowledge of Thee,
That I may have charity, hate from me casting,
0 Fountain of Pity, flow Thou over me.
II.—Recitative (Alto) :
Ye hard hearts, that like stone and rock no pity reaches,
Like water flow and melt;
0 learn what now the Saviour teaches,
Learn, learn His charity. Seek to thyself to gather
The grace of God the Father. Seek not to judge, for God hath it forbidden,
Let God alone on High be judge,
Lest from thine eyes His face be hidden.
Forgive, so will He be forgiving:
Give while on earth thou'rt living;
Let grace be all thy wealth, that in His house
God shall reward thee with a heavenly treasure.
As thou dost mete, to thee is giv'n like measure.
III.— Aria (Alto) :
Be it here on earth thy care,
Mortal, good seed freely sowing,
Still to tend thy harvest growing,
So shalt thou for Heav'n prepare.
He that good seed freely soweth
To the harvest gladly goeth.
IV.—Recitative (Bass) :
The love of self is vanity. From out thine eye
First see that thou the beam removest,
Ere thou thy neighbour's tiny mote reprovest,
Within his eye that thou may'st see.
And though thy neighbour sinless may not be,
Remember thou, no angel art thou.
From thine own sin depart thou!
For when a blind a blind man leadeth,
And guidance too he needeth, So they must fall, he and his brother,
They do but o'er-throw one another.
V.—Aria (Bass) :
Thus shall the Christian do-
To worship God and know Him, A faithful love to show Him; Nor ever judge his neighbour; Nor waste another's labour;
The poor and needy tending.
For them his treasure spending;
That pleaseth God and mankind too;
Thus shall the Christian do.
VI.— Chorale :
To thee I call, O Christ my Lord,
Hear me, O Love unbounded; Give me the grace to keep Thy word,
Nor let me be confounded;
Thy way I'ld go, to Thee above,
Where no ill may betide me, Thou beside me,
My neighbour I would love
And do Thy will, O guide me.
(The Bach Cantata for next Sunday is No. 6— 'Bleib' bei uns' ('Bide, with us').

Relayed from St. John's Church, Perth
S.B. from Dundee

Metrical Psalm, No. 121
Anthem, 'Gloria in Excelsis'
Scripture Lesson
Prayers, and the Lord's Prayer
Hymn, 'Jesus, these eyes have never seen' (C.H., No. 199-R.C.H., No. 418)
Address by the Rev. J. ESSLEMONT ADAMS. D.S.O., D.D.
Hymn, 'Glory be to God the Father' (C.H., No. 10 - R.C.H., No. 7)
(For 8.45-10.30 Programmes see opposite page)

Appeal on behalf of the Mary Yolland Home for Incurables, by Sir Alfred Rice-Oxley, C.B.E., M.D.

The Mary Yolland Home was opened at Upper Hale, Farnham, in 1910, as a Cottage Home for Incurables, in connection with the Northcourt Hospital and Home at Hampstead. The girls leave the Northcourt Hospital and Home at sixteen, often without the prospect of anyone to look after them or of anywhere to go: and since no one can be a candidate for the larger Incurable Institutions until he (or she) is thirty, it was felt that, without an intermediate Home, the good work done at Hampstead would be incomplete. Although however, the Mary Yolland Home was at first intended for the Northcourt cases, girls are now admitted from all parts of the Kingdom. They are well cared for, and the Home is so beautifully situated that, after being there some time, they often improve to such an extent that they can take light situations. H.R.H. Princess Louise is Patroness, and the Bishop of Winchester is President.

Donations should be addressed to [address removed]

5XX Daventry

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About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More