UPON Gabriel Faure , who died in 1924, in his eightieth year, a great many official distinctions were conferred, including the rare one of a ' National Homage ' at the Sorbonne in 1922, when he was elected to the highest class in the Legion of Honour. Considering that he produced a great quantity (over 120 works) of charming music, eclectic and urbane, typical of the best qualities in French music of his day, it is somewhat surprising that comparatively little of it is commonly played in England.
The First Violin Sonata, written in 1876, is in the usual four Movements, the exceedingly lively Scherzo coming second, and the slow Movement third.
Organist and Director of the Choir, Highgate Wesleyan Church
Relayed from St. Mary-Ie-
T ISZT'S piece is one of a set in which he gives in music his impressions of travel. There are in all three such sets, the first two referring to his wanderings through Switzerland and Italy at various times from 1835 to 1840, when he was in his twenties.
Liszt's early ideas as to pictorial or suggestive music are well indicated in the preface to the first edition of the earliest of the pieces, in which he says: 'Having recently visited many new countries . having felt that the varied aspects of Nature and of the scenes attached thereto did not pass before my eye like vain pictures, but they stirred up in my soul. deep emotions; that there was established between them and myself ... an inexplicable, but certain communication, I have tried to express in music a few of the strongest of my sensations .. As instrumental music progresses, develops, frees itself from its first fetters, it tends to become more and more imbued with that ideality which has marked the perfection of the plastic arts, to become not only a simple combination of sounds, but a poetic language more apt perhaps than poetry itself to express all that within us oversteps the accustomed horizons, everything that escapes analysis, everything that attaches itself to inaccessible depths, imperishable desires, infinite presentiments.....'
The Espousals piece is ' after' the picture by Raphael, in the Brera at Milan, showing the wedding ceremony of Mary and Joseph, with a noble temple in the background.
The Hotel Metropole Orchestra (Leader
A. MANTOVANI ), from the Hotel Metropole
(Baritone); DAVID PENMAN (Violoncello)
CROQUET is not perhaps the most widely advertised, or the most wildly exciting, of outdoor games, but it has a large number of enthusiastic exponents throughout the country. They will undoubtedly welcome the opportunity afforded them this afternoon by Col. W. B. du Pre, who is to talk on his recent croquet tour in Australia and New Zealand. This is the first of a series of afternoon talks on sports, which is to be given fortnightly from July to
September this year. It is hoped to include among the subjects tennis, archery, golf, badminton, and later hockey.
Selections by THE ISLINGTON Boys' BAND ' Topsy Turvy's Birthday '-another Gnome
' As Others See Us,' a chapter of Child Life from
' Thunder on the Left,' by CHRISTOPHER MORLEY
Two Part Inventions
T ISTENERSare by now familiar with a good many of Bach's larger keyboard pieces— the 48 Preludes and Fugues particularly. He wrote his Inventions as studies to lead pupils up to the ' 48.' Fifteen of them are in two parts, and fifteen in three parts. The title is a happy one, for there is endless invention in these pieces-of both artistic device and emotional variety. Bach wrote them for the clavichord. the quiet instrument whose strings were struck by a piece of metal at the end of a hammer. One could obtain more expressive tone from it than from the harpsichord, with its rather noisy plucking of the string.
Both the tragedies of which Professor Dover Wilson will talk to-night are tragedies of mature love-of the man of action, no longer young, who loves ' not wisely but too well.' The noble stature of Othello, the motiveless malignity of lago, the sordid theme of Antony and Cleopatra and the marvellous poetry in which Shakespeare clothed it, will form the theme of his fourth talk.
An Open-Air Diversion created by TYRONE POWER
Listeners are furnished, of course, with complimentary tickets, which will procure them unseen admission to the beautiful grounds of Wroxe Park during the Grand Garden Fete in aid of Wroxe and District Local Charities. Also they will be able to overhear specially selected snatches of the conversation of some of the best-known people in the neighbourhood, not even excepting the Duchess herself, whose conversation is always edifying. They will also be able to take advantage of numerous other attractions which the organizers of the Fete have arranged.
Act I
Relayed from the Royal Opera House, Covent
Act II
Relayed from the Royal Opera House, Covent
JAY WHIDDEN'S BAND, from the Carlton Hotel