SAMUEL SAUL (Baritone)
Directed by AL STARITA , from the Piccadilly Hotel
P's and Q's
(With some allusions to ' Prunes and Prisms')
THE OLOF SEXTET will demonstrate Musical
Goops—and how to be them,' will provide horrid examples
'AUNT PRISCILLA' will drive home the lessons by 'A Little Talk on Etiquette'
By REGINALD FOORT , from the Palladium'
S.B. from Bournemouth
The finals at Bournemouth this afternoon wind up the hard court season, and summarize its results. Also they give an initial indication of the more important grass court form on which success at Wimbledon depends. In this broadcast Major Cooper-Hunt will record the results of the tournament and also give some description and criticism of the play in the last matches of the day.
Sung by ROGER CLAYSON (Tenor)
THIS is an epoch of new sports, and one of the most exciting of the new importations is motor-cycle racing on dirt tracks, which is rapidly becoming as popular here as in Australia, its original home. Of the three meetings this afternoon ' Ixion ' will describe the racing at the one in which the crack riders from Australia, who have come over here to inspire our homo products, take part.
Syncopated Duets on Two Pianos
Under the direction of BASIL CAMERON
Relayed from the White Rock Pavilion.
EXCEPT for such famous resorts as Scar-borough, the North Riding of Yorkshire is not very well known to holiday-makers, but its rugged coasts and lovely dales provide endless attraction to anyone whose idea of a holiday goes farther than piers and sand. Tonight Mr. A. B. B. Valentine will describe the sea-coast at such spots as Hayburn Wyke and Robin Hood 's Bay, and such inland places as Farndale, Westerdale, and Rosedale, and Rievaulx Abbey in its glorious setting amongst the moors.
MORRIS HARVEY (Famous Revue Comedian and Mimic)
MOYNA MACGILL (in Irish Pathos and Humour)
ARNOLD TROWELL (Violoncello)
ORPHEANS, FRED ELIZALDE and his Music, and THE SAVOY TANGO BAND, from the Savoy Hotel