Organist and Director of the Choir,
St. Peters Church, Glasbury
The Guildhall of the City of London was built in the fifteenth century (when the Corporation itself was already old), and by good fortune it was only partially damaged in the Great Fire. Besides being the scene of the Lord Mayor's Banquet, the election of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs and the Lord Mayor's Court, it contains a library, art gallery, and museum, and the famous figures of Gog and Magog; so Mr. Allen Walker will have no lack of material for his talk this afternoon.
A Novel programme in which
Professor William Windle spooph will present his famous collection of effigies, which include many well-known and popular personages, and one famous criminal'
By special arrangements, the OLOF SEXTET wrll support the Entertainment with suitable selections from Groat Composers
SCHUMANN. Twelve Little
Pieces. Nos. 5 to 8
AFTER bronze came iron, and the Iron Age, which began in tho very dawn of history, is only closing now. In this talk Professor Desch will tell how the first iron worked was found in meteorites ; how men learnt the smelting of iron, and used water-power to drive their forges, and how accidentally they discovered how cast iron could be made.
The National Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Sir Henry J. Wood
This fourth Concerto has three Movements - a quick one, a graceful slow one, in which the Flutes hold the melodic line, and a magnificent fugal Finale.
Ottorini Respighi's new 'Preludes,' written in 1926, were suggested by the pictures in the stained-glass windows of Italian churches; in the music the ancient church modes are suggestively used.
I. The Flight into Egypt. The composer describes this as 'a tonal representation of the little caravan on a starry night carrying the Treasure of the World.'
II. The Archangel Michael, driving the rebellious angels from Heaven.
III. The Matins of Santa Chiara (St. Clare).
Legend has it that once, when St. Clare was ill, and grieved at not being able to attend matins, she was miraculously transported to the church.
IV. St. Gregory the Great, in all the pomp of his office, blessing the people.
(Continued) (Soloist, SZIGETI)
(Carnegie Collection of British Music)
THIS Orchestral Suite by Frank Bridge (born
1879) was among the first works chosen for publication by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, which has helped British composers by paying for the publication of compositions of outstanding merit.
The pictorial intentions given below are those authorized by the composer for publication in a 1'romenade Concert programme.
1. SEASCAPE, 'paints the sea on a summer morning. From high cliffs is seen a great expanse of waters lying in the sunlight. Warm breezes play over the surface.'
A widespread chord swells and dies, then
Violas play a phrase, suggestive of a wavelet rippling up, poising for a moment, then falling back again. Immediately Oboe answers with a. very distinctive phrase, perhaps meant to suggest a cry of a seabird.
Most of the Movement is made out of these two fragments of tune, especially the second.
II. SEAM FOAM. 'The soa foam froths among the low-lying rocks and pools on the shore-playfully, not stormily.' I
This Movement is a masterpiece of orchestral effect.
III. MOONLIGHT. A calm sea at night. First the moonbeams are struggling to pierce through dark clouds, which at last pass over, leaving the sea shimmering in full moonlight.'
There is an Introduction lasting nearly a minute; before the Main Tune is given out by Two Flutes, against a background of sustained Strings and Harp arpeggios.
IV. STORM. 'A raging storm. Wind, rain and tempestuous seas. With the lulling of the storm, an allusion to the First Movement is heard.'
Violin Concerto - Beethoven
The Sea - Frank Bridge
Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks - Richard Strauss
AN exhibition of antiques was recently opened in London, and the sight of these relies of the past all gathered together for the delight of our collectors aroused in the imaginative some strange speculations. What of our own belongings in a couple of generations' time ? We who smile at the ormolu and gilt, the wax flowers and worsted antimacassars of the Victorians-how will our cigarette-holders and cocktail-shakers, our telephone-dolls and wrst watches and seissor-cuts, took to the alien eyes of our great - grandchildren ? Mr. Richard Hughes , whose gift of fantasy is very evident in all his writings, will consider this somewhat disquieting question tonight.
(Entertainer) R. H. HULLS
(in his own Compositions at the Piano).