10:30Weather Forecast.5XX Daventry Fri 22nd Jan 1926, 10:30 on 5XX DaventryView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
11:00The Radio Quartet and SINCLAIR LOGAN (Baritone). MARCELLE MAYNE (Songs at the Piano). HARRY SOLLOWAY (Solo Violin).5XX Daventry Fri 22nd Jan 1926, 11:00 on 5XX DaventryView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
13:00Programmes5XX Daventry Fri 22nd Jan 1926, 13:00 on 5XX DaventryView in Radio TimesS.B. from London. Source: Radio Times
15:45Programmes5XX Daventry Fri 22nd Jan 1926, 15:45 on 5XX DaventryView in Radio TimesS.B. from London. Source: Radio Times
23:00JACK PAYNE'S HOTEL CECIL DANCE BAND5XX Daventry Fri 22nd Jan 1926, 23:00 on 5XX DaventryView in Radio Timesfrom the Hotel Cecil. Source: Radio Times
00:00BERT FIRMAN'S CARLTON HOTEL DANCE BAND5XX Daventry Sat 23rd Jan 1926, 00:00 on 5XX DaventryView in Radio Timesfrom the Carlton Hotel.' Source: Radio Times