(to 11.00)
Bobby's String Orchestra
Relayed from Bobby's Cafe, Clifton, Bristol
by Vaughan Thomas
Relayed from The Pavilion, Mountain Ash
Elsie Suddaby (Soprano), Gladys Palmer (Contralto), Parry Jones (Tenor), Horace Stevens (Bass)
Chorus of 1,600 Voices
National Orchestra of Wales
(Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Cymru)
(Leader, Louis Levitus)
Conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent
Part I
Recit., 'Comfort ye, my People'
Air, 'Ev'ry Valley'
Chorus, 'And the Glory of the Lord'
Recit., 'Thus saith the Lord'
Air, 'But who may abide?'
Chorus, 'And He shall purify'
Recit., 'Behold, a Virgin shall conceive'
Air and Chorus, 'O thou that tellest good Tidings'
Recit., 'For behold, Darkness'
Air, 'The People that walked in Darkness'
Chorus, 'For unto us a Child is born'
Pastoral Symphony
Recit., 'There were Shepherds'
Recit., 'And lo! the Angel of the Lord'
Recit., 'And the Angel said unto them'
Recit., 'And suddenly'
Chorus, 'Glory to God'
Air, 'Rejoice greatly'
Recit., 'Then shall the Eyes of the Blind'
Air, 'He shall feed His Flock'
Chorus, 'His Yoke is easy'
Part II
Chorus, 'Behold the Lamb of God'
Air, 'He was despised'
Chorus, 'Surely He hath borne our Griefs'
Chorus. 'And with His Stripes'
Chorus. All we like Sheep'
Recit., 'All they that see Him'
Chorus, 'He trusted in God'
Recit., 'Thy Rebuke hath broken His Heart'
Air, 'Behold and see'
Recit., 'He was cut off'
Air, 'But Thou did'st not leave'
Chorus, 'Lift up your Heads'
(to 0.00)