Arranged by The Great Western Railway Social and Educational Union
Relayed from The Lawn Bandstand, Weston-Super-Mare
The Swindon Great Western Railway Social and Educational Union Band
Conducted by J. Lennon
Introductory Remarks by Lieut.-Col. Wyndham R. Portal, M.V.O., D.S.O.
The Massed Great Western Railway Male Voice Choirs
Of Aberystwyth, Barry, Bristol, Cardiff, Carmarthen, London, Newport, Port Talbot, Romilly, Swansea, etc.
Conducted by Bumford Griffiths
Abide with Me
(Bandsmen Mundy and Baker)
(to 18.20)
Relayed from The New Trinity Congregational Church, Cardiff
Order of Service
Congregational Hymn, 65, 'Praise to the Holiest in the Height'
Chant 797, Psalm xix-19, 'The Heavens declare the Glory of God'
Solo, 'The Penitent' Norman Jones
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Congregation Hymn 74, 'One Lord there is, all Lords above'
Address by the Rev. Griffith Evans
Hymn 369, 'Jesu, Lover of my Soul' (Aberystwyth)
(to 20.45)
Relayed from The Grand Theatre, Swansea
(National Programme)
(From Swansea)
(Relayed to Daventry)
(to 23.00)