(to 18.00)
Relayed to Daventry
Addoldy'r Trefnyddion Wesleaidd
Relayed from Liverpool
Gweddi, a Chanu Gweddi 'r Arglwydd
Emyn 16, 'Clodforwch bawb ein Harglwydd Dduw' (Ton, Deganwy)
Darllen, Job xxviii, 12-28
Emyn 198, 'Wele, cawsom y Meseia' (Ton, Groeswen)
Cyhoeddi a Chasglu
Fantasia ar y don Twrgwyn (ar yr Organ)
Emyn 563, 'Arglwydd, arwain trwy'r anialweh' (Ton, Capel y Ddol)
Pregeth, gan y Parch D. Tecwyn Evans, M.A.
Emyn 293, 'Daeth ffrydiau melys iawn' (Ton, Builth)
Gweddi a Hwyr Weddi
(to 19.55)
(See London)
An Appeal on behalf of The City of Cardiff Distress Fund by The Lord Mayor of Cardiff.
Donations should be sent to The Lord Mayor [address removed].
Relayed from The Park Hall, Cardiff
National Orchestra of Wales
(Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Cymru)
Leader, Louis Levitus
Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite
Saint-Saens' Tone Poem is based on the classical tale of how Phaeton persuaded his father, the Sun, to let him drive the Fiery Chariot across the sky. Listeners will remember that in the old tale the horses got out of hand, and the chariot was on the point of crashing into the earth to wreck it, when Jupiter hurled a thunderbolt which destroyed the youth and his car.
When Rossini died, Verdi, universally acknowledged as his successor on the throne of Italian opera, proposed that the leading composers of Italy should combine to write a Requiem in his honour. Verdi himself composed the final number-'Libera me,' but the whole project never came to fruition. Some five years later, after the brilliantly successful production of Aida, the death of Verdi's friend the poet Manzoni, turned his thoughts again to a Requiem, and lie completed the work himself retaining the original last number.
Critics objected that Verdi's manner was much better fitted for theatrical effect than for the most solemn service of the Church, but it has long ago been recognized that with all its melodious and dramatic qualities, the Requiem is wholly sincere.
The Cardiff University Students Madrigal Society
Conducted by W. G. Williams
The Holly and the Ivy
O Come All Ye Faithful
(to 23.00)