(to 18.15 app.)
Relayed from Conway Road Wesleyan Church
Order of Service:
Hymn, 'Hail, Thou once despised' (M.H.B., No. 189)
Brief Invocation and Lord's Prayer (Chanted)
Hymn, Come unto Me, ye weary' (M.H.B., No. 287)
Scripture Lesson, John xii, 12-36
Anthem, 'In humble faith and Holy love' George Garrett
Hymn, 'Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah' (No. 615)
Sermon by the Rev. A. Winsor Yeo
Hymn, 645, 'The day Thou gavest'
(See London)
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
(9.0 Local Announcements)
(to 23.00)