(to 14.00)
Relayed from the Carlton Restaurant
(9.30 Local Announcements)
by Pickford Girardot
Let off by Santa Claus
I. The Waits
The fuse is lighted
II. Snap Dragon
Scene: A Country House
Sir Ian Templeton
Lady Templeton
Nora Templeton
Bobbie Mackintosh
Higgins-the butler
III. The Christmas Box
IV. Christmas Past
Colonel Bogey
Jackson, his man
V. Christmas Present: Flaming Hearts
A Christmas Film Scenario
Specially prepared for the Microphone by Santa P. Claus
VI. Potted Pantomime
The amazing story of 'Puss in Boots'
VII. Surprise Item
VIII. That Christmas Feeling
The Man
The Woman
The Other Fellow
IX. Harlequinade
(to 23.00)