(to 13.00)
The 169th Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns, at the Cardiff Caledonian Society's Dinner
Relayed from the City Hall
Sir Ewen McLean, President of the Society, proposing the 'Health of His Majesty the King'
Sir J. C. W. Reith, proposing 'The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns'
Inspector A. K. Wilson, proposing 'The Lassies'
Miss Margaret I. Mackenzie, replying to the toast of 'The Lassies'
The Haggis, piped in by Piper Duncan MacDonald
Scottish Songs rendered by Murray Stewart (Scottish Tenor)
Orchestral Music by Archie Roberts' Dance Orchestra
(9.30 Local Announcements)
by Archie Roberts' Dance Orchestra.
Relayed from the Cardiff Caledonian Society's Annual Ball at the City Hall.
(to 23.00)