from Cox's Cafe.
(to 13.30)
Relayed from the Capitol Cinema.
(to 16.00)
For Young Adventurers.
S.B. from London.
Mr. J. A. Cairns.
S.B. from London.
Played by Edward Isaacs.
S.B. from London.
Dr. James J. Simpson, M.A., D.Sc., Keeper of Zoology at the National Museum of Wales.
Conductor, Warwick Braithwaite
Overture. "The Seasons".
Andante with Variations.
"My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair".
"On Mighty Pens".
Prelude to "The Creation".
Second and Third Movements from Concerto.
Symphony. No. 7, in D ("The London".)
Chats with Famous Authors: Anthony Trollope
Mr. Michael Sadleir and Mr. Pett Ridge
S.B. from London.
Local News
S.B. from London.