from Cox's Cafe.
Music by Muzikant's Dance Band.
(to 13.30)
relayed from the Capitol Cinema.
Frank Thomas (Violin), Frank Whitnall (Violoncello), Vera McComb Thomas (Piano).
by Mr. Cyril Fox, Keeper of Archaeology, the National Museum of Wales.
(to 16.30)
by Mr. H. Seymour Thomas, Asst. County Commissioner for Rovers.
S.B. from London.
Dramatic Criticism
Mr. James Agate
S.B. from London.
S.B. from London.
Mr. Filson Young
S.B. from London.
Celebrations of the 167th Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns at the Cardiff Caledonian Society's Annual Dinner, relayed from Cox's Cafe.
The President of the Society, Dr. W. Campbell Anderson, introducing Mr. W. M. R. Pringle, M.A., LL.B., proposing:
"The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns".
The Mackintosh of Mackintosh, O.B.E., J.P., proposing:
"The Visitors".
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Alderman W. B. Francis, J. P. responding to "The Visitors".
Mr. William Blackwood, (Amalgamated Press, London) proposing:
"The Lassies".
Miss Jeannie McNab responding to "The Lassies".
Mr. W. M. R. Pringle, M.A., LL.B., proposing:
"The Chairman".
The President, Dr. W. Campbell Anderson responding to "The Chairman".
The Haggis will be piped in by Piper Duncan MacDonald, M.V.O., who will also play Selections during the evening, including Eightsome Reel during the Ball.
Songs by Tom Kinniburgh (Bass).
Part Songs, etc., by The "5WA" Choir
Wide Telescopes and the Sizes of Stars
Prof. H.H. Turner
S.B. from London.
Local News
relayed from Cox's Cafe.
Music by Muzikant's Dance Band.