The Station Trio: T.D. Jones (Pianoforte), Morgan Lloyd (Violin), Gwilym Thomas (Violoncello)
A Musical Entertainment written for the microphone by J. Eddie Parry.
Dan Tomos and Lisa, his wife (simple Welsh folk, living in the heart of Wales)
Dai Bach Sol Fa, the village pianist
Villagers gathered in Dan's home for the evening
Joseph P. Morgans, a Welsh American, home for a holiday
Cadwaldr, his son, on his first visit to Wales
Ceridwen, his daughter, on her first visit to Wales
You are in the kitchen of a small Welsh farmhouse. Dan and Lisa have invited their old friend, Joseph P. Morgans, of Cleveland City, Ohio, U.S.A., to spend an evening with them. Some villagers have gathered there also, and with the noise of happy laughter, and the strumming of a piano, we go to the kitchen of Pandy Bach.
(to 0.00)