16:00Gramophone Concert5SX Swansea Tue 20th Oct 1925, 16:00 on 5SX SwanseaView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:45The Station Trio5SX Swansea Tue 20th Oct 1925, 16:45 on 5SX SwanseaView in Radio TimesContributorsMusicians:The Station Trio Source: Radio Times
17:30Children's Corner5SX Swansea Tue 20th Oct 1925, 17:30 on 5SX SwanseaView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:05The Post Bag5SX Swansea Tue 20th Oct 1925, 18:05 on 5SX SwanseaView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:15Talk to Teens: The Young King's Treasuries5SX Swansea Tue 20th Oct 1925, 18:15 on 5SX SwanseaView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
19:10Mr. F. J. Harries: George Eliot and Tenby5SX Swansea Tue 20th Oct 1925, 19:10 on 5SX SwanseaView in Radio TimesS.B. from Cardiff.ContributorsSpeaker:F.J. Harries Source: Radio Times
19:25Programme S.B. from London5SX Swansea Tue 20th Oct 1925, 19:25 on 5SX SwanseaView in Radio Times(to 23.30) Source: Radio Times