10:15The Daily Service, relayed from Daventry.5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 10:15 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
15:00Folk Music. The Octet: Folk Tune and Fiddle Dance (Fletcher). Marjorie Greenfield (Mezzo-Soprano) : Flowers in the Valley, My Boy Willie (Worcester) and 0, Sally, my Dear (Somerset) (arr. Cecil J. Sharp); All round my Hat (Yorks) (Fred J. Falconer) ; The K5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 15:00 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
15:45Dance Music by Alec Freer and his Band. relayed from the Plaza Palais de Danse.5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 15:45 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:15An Instrumental Concert. The Octet: Overture, 'Carnival Romain '(Berlioz). Katharine Howard ' (Pianoforte) : Freneh Suite in E, No. 0 The Octet : Siegfried Idyll (Wagner) Xalhorine Howard : Sonata in D Minor. Op. 31. No. 2 (Beethoven), The Octet : Berceuse5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 16:15 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:15The Children's Hour5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 17:15 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:57Weather Forecast for Farmers.5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 17:57 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:00Mr. J. S. Chisholm: 'Lime and its Application' and Topical Gardening Notes5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 18:00 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio TimesS.B. from Edinburgh. Source: Radio Times
18:15S.B. from London5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 18:15 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
19:00Talk Under the Auspices of the Department of Health for Scotland—Mr. Thomas Johnston. M.P. (Under Secretary of State for Scotland) : Public Health and the Private Citizen. '5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 19:00 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
19:25from London5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 19:25 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
21:15Scottish News Bulletin.5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 21:15 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
21:20S.B. from London5SC Glasgow Wed 8th Jan 1930, 21:20 on 5SC GlasgowView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times