by the Wireless Quartette and Isobel McGuckin (Soprano).
"A Real Musical Toy Town."
S.B. from Aberdeen.
(to 18.05)
S.B. from London.
Glasgow Radio Society Talk
Local News
The Station Orchestra
Conducted by Isaac Losowsky
Fox-Trot, "Horsey, Keep Your Tail Up" (6); Waltz, "Wonderful One" (7); One-Step, "I Love me" (9); Blues, "Broadway Blues"; Waltz, "The Shadow Waltz"; Fox-Trot, "Down On The Farm"; One-Step, "La, La, La" (6); Waltz, "Molly Kennedy" (23); Fox-Trot, "The Cat's Whiskers"; One-Step, "Barney Google" (7); Fox-trot, "Oh, Gee, Oh Gosh!" (6).
R. F. Morrison (Entertainer) will tell you some Humorous Stories and sing his own Songs: "Mrs. McGinty's At Home"; "My Lily of Lochgoil."
Fox-Trot, "Last Night On The Back Porch"; Blues, "Tomahawk" (3); Fox-trot, "Felix Kept on Walking" (9); Waltz, "A Kiss in the Dark"; Fox-Trot, "Gigolette" (6).
S.B. from London.
S.B. from London.
Capt. Richard Twelvetrees
S.B. from London.
Local News
S.B. from London.