by the Wireless Quartet.
S.B. from London.
Overture, "John and Sam" (Ansell).
"Sonata in G" (Sammartini-Kreisler).
Selection, "La Gioconda" (Ponchielli).
Mr. Andrew Kirkland, F.C.I.I.
"Salome's Aria", from Herodiade (Massenet).
Suite, "Three Dale Dances" (Wood).
"Legende" (D'Ambrosio).
Entr'acte, "Forget-me not" (MacBeth).
"Mary of Argyll" (Traditional); "By the Waves of Minnetonka" (Lieurance); Forever and Forever" (Tosti).
Waltz, "Ciribiribin" (Bucalossi).
"Rhapsodie" (Popper); "Old Welsh Melody" (arr. by H. Scott).
S.B. from London.
Selection, "The Kiss Call" (Ivan Caryll).
S.B. from London.