Relayed from George Street Baptist Church
Conducted by the Rev. T. WILKINSON RIDDLE
Organ Prelude, by Mr. T. MARTIN
Hymn. ' As with gladness men of old ' (Baptist
Church Hymnal, No. 90)
Invocation and Lord's Prayer Magnificat
Scripture Lesson
Hymn, ' Immortal Love, for ever full ' (B.C.H.,
No. 92)
Intercessions '
Hymn, ' Lord of Mercy and of Might' (B.C.H.,
No. 184)
Address by the Rev. F. WHITFIELD DAUKES,
Vicar of St. Andrew's Parish Church
Hymn, ' Guide me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah '
(B.C.H., No. 428)
Benediction and Vesper