Ellinora Hoggarth (Soprano), William A. Crosse (Solo Clarinet), Belle Davidson (Solo Violin).
Mrs. Grace Burns, "A Walk over Simpleton Pass."
Mrs. Leo Rodenhurst, Recitation.
S.B. from London.
Radio Society Talk
S.B. from London.
Local News
The Station Orchestra
Conductor, William A. Crosse
"Petite Suite de Concert".
Beatrice Paramor (Soprano)
"The Easter Morn" ... (5)
"Spring Had Come" ("Hiawatha's Departure") ...(11)
Ada Elliott (Contralto)
"A Blood Red Ring Hung Round the Moon"... (11)
"The Young Indian Maid" ...(5)
Suite, Incidental Music to "Othello".
Joseph Farrington (Bass)
"Hiawatha's Vision" ("Hiawatha")...(11)
"Eleanore" (11)
"Three Dream Dances"
Beatrice Paramor
"Oh, What Comes Over the Sea?"
"Big Lady Moon" ...(1)
Dance Suite, "Three Fours" ............
S.B. from London.
Local News
Suite, "Hiawatha" Ballet Music
Joseph Farrington
Songs, Selected.
Ada Elliott
"Songs of Sun and Shade" (1)
(a) "You Say So in the Sunshine"; (b) "Thou Hast Bewitched Me, Beloved"; (c) "The Rainbow Child"; (d) "Thou Art Risen, My Beloved".
"Three Characteristic Waltzes" ...... (11)