Mr. E. Fletcher, 'Cello Solo.
Mr. W. A. Crosse, Clarinet Solo.
Mr W. A. Crosse, Pianoforte Solo.
Mr. W. A. Crosse's Bijou Orchestra.
Mr. E. Fletcher, 'Cello Solo.
(a) Bridge: The Gambling Element, by Miss Jane Ramsay Kerr; (b) Impressions of the Week.
Stories by Mrs. Latham, Uncles Jim, Charlie, and Richard: (a) "William Goes to the Pictures": Part 2, from "Just William", by Richmal Crompton, published by Geo. Newnes, Ltd.; (b) Monkey Stories.
A short talk by Mr. J. Anderson on "Stories on English Literature".
from London.
by Mr. G. A. Atkinson (B.B.C. Critic).
S.B. from London.
Giving Local Weather Report.
Violin Solo): "Legende" (Wieniawski).
Pianoforte Solo: "Sonata in C Minor" (Mozart).
from London.
followed by Newcastle News giving Local Weather Report.
Violin Solo: "Cavatina" (Raff)
Pianoforte Solo: "Rondo Capriccioso" (Mendelssohn).