Pianoforte Solo
Mr. W. A. Crosse's Nijou Orchestra
A Talk on Pots as told in London by Mr. Bernard Rackham.
Miss Florence Farrar, Pianoforte Solo
Mr. W. A. Crosse's Nijou Orchestra
Ariel's Society Gossip; Mrs. C. S. Peel's Domestic Conversations.
(a) Sabo, the Pen-Wiper: Part 1, by E. W. Lewis; (b) Jack Hardy: Chap. 5, Part 1, by Herbert Strang.
A Short Talk on the Stories of the Nations by Mr. A. W. Dakers.
Broadcast from London
by Mr. John Strachey (B.B.C. Literary Critic).
S.B. from London.
Conducted by Sir Alexander MacKenzie, Principal of the Royal Academy of Music.
(See London Programme)
S.B. from London.
by Capt. Richard Twelvetrees.
S.B. from London.
Broadcast from London
played by the Savoy Orpheans at the Savoy Hotel, London.
(See London Programme)
S.B. from London.