Mr J. Bell, cornet solo, "Cleopatra" (Damare). Mr W.A. Crosse, pianoforte solos, Andante, "Elle et Lui" (Sullivan), "Le Juif Errant "(Burgmuller)
North Country history," Mr J. Finnerty
"Sweetmaking," Miss Beatrice Holmes, "From the harvest field to the breakfast table," Mr John Thompson; one recipe from Mrs C.S. Peel's Wireless Cookery Book
A Brer rabbit story
"Three Indian Love Lyrics" (Woodforde Finden); Corpl. Mousley, tubaphone solo, "The Pixie's Revels" (Mansfield). Mr Harry Frater, baritone, "Galloping Dick" (Fletcher); Miss Ida Cowey, "The Cuckoo Madrigal" (wood), "With the Swallow" (E. Dell 'Aqua). Band of H.M. Irish Guards, Pot Pourri of Musical Snapshots from the works of many celebrated composers (Asten); Mr Matthew Newton, "The Message" (Blumenthal). Mr Harry Frater, "The Little Irish Girl" (Lohr). Band of H.M. Irish Guards, Finale, "Irish Airs" (Hawkes)
Next week's sporting Fixtures