relayed from Prince's Cafe
While they still have Muriel George and Ernest Butcher to sing to them, Britons never, never, never shall be slaves to Jazz and Syncopation. These two artists are celebrated on the music-hall stage, the concert platform and the ether, for their singing of British folk-songs. the songs which have grown out of our native soil and which, though other fashions may change, are always sure of an enthusiastic audience. When folk-songs are sung as Muriel George and Ernest Butcher sing them, it is time for the 'poppas' and the 'mommas' and the whole coal-black family to look to their laurels. These artists are 'touring' the wavelengths this week in the following order:- Monday, Cardiff; Tuesday, Glasgow; Wednesday. Manchester; Thursday. Birmingham; Friday, Bournemouth; Saturday, Belfast.