Overture, "La Belle De Nuit" (Herman), valse, "Morgenblatter" (Strauss), selection, "Lady of the Rose "(Gilbert), entr'acte, "Melodie Caprice" (Squire), suite, "Sabbath" (Goublier); foxtrot, "All Muddled Up" (Confrey)
"The Japanese Theatre," Mr Pollard Crowther; A Recipe from Mrs C.S. Peel's Wireless Cookery Book
For small children, "Sir Walter Scott," by Leonard Badman; for older children, "A Really Fine House," John A. Hamilton
A selection of favourite old part songs, "Sweet and Low" (Barnby); "O! who will o'er the Downs" (Pearsall); "Hail, Smiling Morn" (Spofforth); "In this hour of softened splendour" (Pinsuti); "Good Night, Beloved" (Pinsuti); "When Evening Twilight " (Hatton); "Three fishers went sailing" (Hullah); "Annie Laurie" (Bantock). Mr John Hingeley, "Trip Through Shakespeareland"
"Perfumery Industry," by Mr Horace Barratt