"Phantom Brigade" March (Myddleton), "Les Roses" Valse (Metra), "Lilac Domino" Selection (Culvillie), "Ke Sa Ko" Entr'acte (Chapius), "Monsieur Beaucaire" Suite (Rosse), "Down Peacock Alley" Rag (Hay)
"Fingal's Cabe" Overture (Mendelssohn), "Lysistrata" Valse (Lincke), "Last Waltz" selection (Strauss). Messrs. R. and B. Powell, violin duet, "Traume der Serrin" (Labitisky)
"Droop not young lover" (Handel), "Don Juan's Serenade" (Tchaikowsky), "Port of Many Ships" ("Trade Winds" Keel)
"L'Amero" (viiolin obbligato, Mr Ralph Powell) (Mozart), "The Vigin's Slumber Song" (Reger), "Jewel Song" ("Faust" orchestral accompaniment, Gounod)
"Give me thy Hand, oh fairest" ("Don Giovanni" Mozart), "Still as the night" (Gootz)
"Peer Gynt" Suite (Grieg), "Swanee River Moon" Valse (Clarke), "Love Came from Fairyland" Entr'acte (Lincke)
"Shufflin' Along" Foxtrot (Ayer), "Musical Jig-Saw" Selection (Aston)