"The Liberators" March (Ancliffe), "Longchamps Fleuri" Valse (Waldteufel), "Kiss Call" Selection (Caryll), "I Love Your Eyes of Grey" Intermezzo (Wood), "Billets Douzx" foxtrot (Yvain)
"The English Rose" (German), "Mary O'Neil" (Hurdy), "Angels Guard Thee" (Godard)
"A Summer Night" (Thomas), "Love Bells " (Derel), "Gipsy Song" ("Il Trovatore", Verdi)
"The Wanderer" (Schubert), "The Splendour of the Stars" (Needham)
"Pathetique" Sonata, Op. 13 (Beethoven), ''Shakespeare Seranade" (Schubert-Liszt)
"Poor Wandering One" (Sullivan), "Ocean, thou mighty monster" (Weber)
"The Winding Lane" (Henman), "The blackest man I know" (Grey), "Bubbles" (Hayes)
Concerto (1st movement) (Bruch), "Praeludium and Allegro" (Pugnani-Kreisler), "Chanson de Nuit" (Elgar)
"The Voyagers" (Sanderson)