By Manchester University Students
The composition of this programme greatly depends upon whether a depression over Iceland moves north or south, but the concert will probably include the following items:
After-Dinner Speeches of the Geoplanurian Society
A Short Destructive Address by Somebody Who Doesn't Matter
Music to Suit Various Heights of Brow
The Microphone Will Wander Afar
Item No. 5
The Sixth Item Almost Finished
We leave you, we hope, bursting with charity towards our efforts here and hereafter
It is no uncommon experience for a Manchester citizen, wending his way to business on Shrove Tuesday, to be confronted by an awe-inspiring pirate, a red-nosed clown, or a terrifying highway-man, all rattling money-boxes and demanding money. Each year on this one day the city is invaded by thousands of weirdly garbed figures, who have escaped from the lecture-rooms of the University to make a gigantic collection in aid of Hospital Charities. Each time the amount of the collection increases, and last year the magnificent total of £6,000 was reached.
As in past years, the Manchester Broadcasting Station again offers its microphone to the students on this occasion.
A Farcical Romance in Three Acts, by ROBERT MARSHALL
ACT 1. The Library at Glencoe House, Park
Lane, W. 1.0 a.m., July 27
Act II. Crag-o'-North, Fortronald, X.B. One week later
ACT III. The Gateway, Crag-o'-North. One week later
Period : To-day
(Booklets, price 2d. per copy, containing the story of the Play, and photographs of the principal characters, may bo obtained from the Manchester Station, or from Wireless Dealers in tho Manchester area.)