Piano Recital by Reginald Paul
Relayed from the Houldsworth Hall
'Landscape Painting '-Mr. LAWRENCE HAWARD, M.A., 'Classical and Romantic Types'
Note.-The following Post-card Illustrations may be obtained from the National Gallery: Titian's 'Bacchus and Ariadne,' Wilson's 'Landscape with Bathers,' Turner's 'Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus.'
: Auto-Piano Recital by J. Meadows
.-Short Story written and told by Alan Griff
Directed by GERALD W. BRIGHT. Relayed fion the HOTEL MAJESTIC, St. Anne's-on-the-Sea
Spanish Talk
In Plantation Songs, Humorous Part Songs, Glens, Nursery Rhymes. Presented by BERT GALE