relayed from the Houldsworth Hall. The Brodsky Quartet.
Mr. H. Cadness , " Nature's Suggestions in Design - Vegetable" (I).
Miss S. Reynolds, "The Lyric, in Elizabethan Times."
The Station
Quartet. Keem McEndoo (Solo Violin).
relayed from the Hotel
Majestic. St. Anne's-on-the-Sea.
S.B. from London.
" Round the Table."
A Discussion between Prof.
T. H. PEAR. M.A.. B.Se., and Dr. STANLEY JACKSON , M.A., Ph.D.. "Can There Be Two Minds In One Bbdy ? "
S.B. from
Literary Criticism. S.B. from London.
Conducted by ALBERT COATES. S.B. from London.
S.B. from London.
Topical Talk. S.B. from London. Local News.
S.B. from London.