From the Oxford Picture House Orchestra.
From the Piccadilly Picture House.
S.B. from London.
Mr. T. H. Morrison, Solo Violin; Miss Helena Taylor, Soprano: "Tis a Madness" (Mozart).
Miss Emmie Lord, Elocutionist: (a) "The Quitter"; (b) "The Reckoning" (Robert W. Service).
Mr. Klinton Shepherd, Baritone: (a) "Falmouth Tom" (Fraser Simson); (b) "Sincerity" (Emilie Clarke).
Mr. T. H. Morrison, Miss Helena Taylor, Soprano: (a) "Romance from Mignon" (Thomas); (b) "At Dawning" (Cadman).
will purr.
S.B. from London.
"The Pied Piper of Hamelin" (Browning).
(a) "Son of Mine" (William Wallace); (b) Fair House of Joy" (Roger Quilter).