Broadcast from London, followed by Manchester News and Weather Forecast.
"March Tartare" (Ganne); Overture, "Beatrice and Benedict" (Berlioz); Waltz, "Love and Spring" (Waldteufel).
(a) "Villanelle" (del Acqua); (b) "Dancing Lesson" (Herbert Oliver).
Selection "Mignon" (Thomas).
Talk by Geo. Thompson of Liverpool.
Suite "Joyous Youth" (Coates); Intermezzo, "La Cinquantaine".
(a) "The Pipes of Pan" (Monckton); (b) "Across the Bridge of Dreams" (Baynon).
Broadcast from London, followed by Manchester News and Weather Forecast.
by Francis J. Stafford, M.A., M.Ed.
Suite "Sylvan Scenes" (Fletcher); Intermezzo, "In the Moonlight" (Ketelbey).