10:00National Programme2LS Leeds Mon 15th Dec 1930, 10:00 on 2LS LeedsView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:00An Afternoon Concert. The Northern Wireless Orchestra. Ernest Grerves (Violin.) (From Leeds.)2LS Leeds Mon 15th Dec 1930, 16:00 on 2LS LeedsView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:15The Children's Hour2LS Leeds Mon 15th Dec 1930, 17:15 on 2LS LeedsView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:00National Programme2LS Leeds Mon 15th Dec 1930, 18:00 on 2LS LeedsView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
21:15North of England News2LS Leeds Mon 15th Dec 1930, 21:15 on 2LS LeedsView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
21:20National Programme2LS Leeds Mon 15th Dec 1930, 21:20 on 2LS LeedsView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
21:35A Choral and Orchestral Concert. The Northern Wireless Orchestra. (Pianoforte, Eric Fogg.) The Huddersfield-Glee and Madrigal Society. (From. Leeds.)2LS Leeds Mon 15th Dec 1930, 21:35 on 2LS LeedsView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times