by Admiral Sir Reginald Tupper, G.B.E., K.C.B., C.V.O.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor of Leeds (Councillor C. G. Gibson) in the Chair.
Selections by the Band of the 7th West Yorks Regt.
(By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. G.E. St. Clair Stockwell, T.D., and Officers.)
Bandmaster. R. S. Kitchen.
Henry Brearley (Tenor).
Sailors' Hornpipe, Bugle Calls.
(By permission of the Air Ministry)
Director of Music, Flight-Lieut. J. Amers.
Relayed from Fenton Street Drill Hall, Leeds,
On the Occasion of the Leeds Mercury Better Housing Exhibition.
S.B. from London.
" by the SMILE-
S.B. from London.