Programme Index

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Conducted by Col. J. MACKENZIE-ROGAN, C.V.O.'
COLONEL MACKENZIE-ROGAN, who makes his first visit to the London Broadcasting Studios to-day, needs no introduction to anyone in the world who has ever enjoyed military band music. The work he has done throughout his long and distinguished career has been of the utmost value to our British Bands, and has been fittingly recognized not only by His Majesty, but by several of the leading musical institutions.
The programme includes more than one of his own works, and for this, a particularly interesting Fantasia on Melodies of our Indian Empire, we are indebted to Colonel Mackenzie-Rogan for the following helpful note.
This Fantasia is the first work in which an attempt has been made to clothe some of the beautiful melodies of India with European effects of harmony, counterpoint, and instrumentation. However incongruous the combination may appear to serious students of Indian music, it will be admitted that the tunes preserve their individuality, even in their Western garb, a proof of their virility and wealth of characteristic style.
After a few introductory bars based upon the most popular of all the Indian modes, the Fantasia opens with the tune of a hymn sung in praise of Vishnu. This impressive melody re-appears in the Finale, when it is accompanied by a majestic, contrapuntal bass. The Indian system is far more complex than our own, embracing seventy-two scales and an almost infinite number of Ragas (Râgs—' colours ' or ' emotions ').
The melodic material of the Fantasia played to-day is drawn from thirteen different melodies derived from various parts of India. Most of them are of great antiquity ; others are more modern. The order in which they occur is :—
Introductory bars, 2/2.
I. Hymn to Vishnu (common time).
2. Allegro (dance tune), 2/4.
3. Andante espressivo, 2/4.
4. Taza ba taza (6/8 Allegretto).
5. Allegro con brio, 3/4.
6. Allegretto scherzando, 2/4.
(A very popular tune.)
7. Andante (Hori) in 5/4 time.
(Sung at the Swinging Festival. It describes the life and virtues of Krishna.)
8. Allegretto, 3/4.
(A song of the Ram Pershad's, very popular with street beggars.)
9. Andante (love song) (common time).
10 and 11. Scherzo and trio based on two popular dance tunes.
12. Allegro Marziah (War Song) (C).
13. Finale, Hymn to Vishnu, combined with a phrase of 'God Save the King,' etc. (12/8 and common time).
The first act of Meyerbeer's opera on the subject of the massacre of the Huguenots is a banquet in the midst of which a message is brought from the Queen, Marguerite of Valois, to Raoul, one of the Huguenot nobles. Her Page sings, in a charming little air, that he has been sent by a great lady to lead Raoul to her presence. The Cavatina has always been popular and must have been heard by many who know no more of the opera than this one number. It used to be a soprano air, but the great Alboni made so big a success with it here in London, that Meyerbeer transposed the piece for a lower voice, and it has ever since been sung by a mezzo-soprano or contralto.*


Phyllis Archibald

Relayed from the Midland Institute,
Paradise Street, Birmingham
(Conducted by JOSEPH LEWIS )
This is one of a series of fifteen simple chorale cantatas composed about 1730, many of which have already been broadcast.
The first chorus, splendidly exultant, is a fantasia on the chorale ; the melody is given throughout to the soprano voices, the others embellishing it with figures built up from the same tune. The orchestra, which includes trumpets and drums, plays interludes between the lines of the hymn, and these, too, as well as the accompaniment, are closely akin to the chorale.
The alto voice follows with an aria which is an elaborate form of the chorale, and in the duet for soprano and bass, the same melody is treated with even greater independence. There it is in minor as in the following tenor aria, where the melody is given to the trumpet.
The final chorale, with parts for three trumpets in the accompaniment, has a truly noble and joyous effect.
English Text by D. Millar Craig.
Copyright, B.B.C, 1929.
Praise Him, the Father, the Almighty, in glory who reigneth,
Thee. 0 my worshipping spirit, 'tis He that sustaineth.
Come then and raise, psalms and hosannas of praise.
Music the Father ordaineth.
II. Aria (Alto)
Praise Him. the Father, for all things who tenderly caieth
As though on wings of an eagle thy spirit
He beareth,
He ieadeth thee, tho' tbou His hand may'st not see,
And all thy way He prepareth.
III. Duet (Soprano, Bass)
Praise Him. the Father, who in His own image hath made thee,
Who gives thee health, in affliction who alway doth aid thee;
In thy sore need. when thou hast cried unto
God, ever His ltight hand hath stay'd thee.
IV. Aria (Tenor).
Praise Him. the Father, who hath thee blest, who thee defendeth.
Still from the Heavens, as rain falls, his mercy He sendeth.
Mark thou well what the Almighty hath done.
His Love ne'er fadeth nor endeth.
V. Choral.
Praise Him, the Father, with all your heart all ye that know Him.
All that have life and breath, faith ey'n as Abraham's show Him.
He Is thy light,
Thro' our life's day and Death's night; All that is ours do we owe Him.
Cantatas for the next two Sundays are.-
August 25. No. 95-
' CHRISTUS DER 1ST MEIX LEBES.' (' Christ my All.')
September 1. No. 78-
('Jesu, Thou who art Salvation.')


Esther Coleman
Cyril Christopher
Conducted By:
Joseph Lewis
D. Millar Craig.
Christus Der

(In Welsh)
Relayed from Shiloh Calvinistio
Methodist Church, Aberystwyth
S.B. from Swansea Trefn y Gwasanaeth
(Order of Service)
Gweddi Ddechreuol (Invocation) Emyn (Hymn) 86 (43) (Lledrod)
Darllen Ysgrythur (Scripture Read: ing)
Emyn (Hymn) 146 (419) (Penlan) Gweddi, a Gweddi'r Argwydd yn dilyn
(Prayer, followed by the Lord's
Emyn (Hymn) 792 (858) (Aberystwyth)
Y Bregeth (Address by) the Rev.
R. R. DAVIES , D.D. (Neath)
Emyn (Hymn) 385 (798) (Hyder) Gweddi Ymadawol (Benediction)
Mus.Bac, F.R.C.O.


Gweddi Ddechreuol
Darllen Ysgrythur
R. R. Davies
Gweddi Ymadawol
Charles H. Clements

From the Studio
Address by Dr. WARREN L. ROGERS , Bishop Coadjutor of Ohio, U.S.A. Hymn, ' Lord of our Life ' (Ancient and Modern, 214)
The Lord's Prayer Psalm 121
Reading, St. John x, 14-31 Deus misereatur Prayers
Anthem : ' 0 Lord my God ' Address
Hymn, ' The Church's one Foundation ' (Ancient and Modern, 215)
Much interest has been'aroused by the visit from the United States of Dr. Warren Lincoln Rogers , Bishop Coadjutor of Ohio. Bishop Rogers is remaining in England until the end of August, preaching and speaking under tho auspices of the Council of Interchange of Preachers and Speakers between the Churches of Great Britain and America-thus promoting better relations between the two countries.
Bishop Rogers was for some years
Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Detroit, before being elected Coadjutor Bishop of Ohio in 1925. He is known to thousands in America for his radio sermons. His itinerary over here included engagements in Westminster Abbey, Canterbury Cathedral, York Minster, etc. Ho was also principal speaker at the Anglo-American Religious Conference at St. Martin-in-the-Fields.
(For 8.45-10.30 Programme see opposite page)


Dr. Warren L. Rogers
Dr. Warren Lincoln Rogers
Bishop Rogers
Bishop Rogers

APPEAL on behalf of the Jewish Association for the Protection of Women and Children, by Mr. C. J. G. MoNTEFIORE , M.A.
THIS appeal is being made particularly for seaside holidays for neglected or maltreated children, lonely working girls, or girls in need of supervision, unmarried mothers and their babies. The care of these, however, represents only a fraction of the Association's work. Owing to wars and persecutions in Eastern Europe, many young Jewesses fleeing from one country to another are exposed to special dangers. The Association, besides its various institutes in London, undertakes international protection work.
Donations should be sent to [address removed]


Mr. C. J. G. Montefiore

2LO London and 5XX Daventry

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More