INCLUDED among the ' Different Kinds of Bread' for which recipes will be given, are Nut Bread, Milk Bread, Spoon Bread, and Walnut Bread. These recipes aro iu the series which is being reprinted by the Empire Marketing Board.
Nancy Hepton (Soprano)
CLAY Thomas (Baritone)
Evelyn Barrow (Pianoforte)
From the Hotel Cecil
2.0 2.25 (Daventry only) Experimental Transmission of Still Pictures by the Fultograph Process
GRACE IVELL and Vivian Worth
(Light Ballads and Light Comedy Duets)
Conducted by Arnold EAGLE
From tho Shepherd's Bush Pavilion
'The Tindor Box,' by Hans Andersen , arranged as a dialogue. Music, with songs to suit tho occasion, by HELEN ALSTON
Played by Willibald Richter (Pianoforte)
Hunting Song
Davidsbundler, Op. 6, Nos. 1-5
CORINTH, at the head of the famous gulf, was the great commercial city of Hellas, comparable perhaps to the Dutch republic in the ieventeenth century. Corinthians were famous for their special architecture, their colonizing, and their trade, and their city. only sank to obscurity after the Roman siege in 146 B.C.
THIS evening Mrs. Woatton proceeds to the discussion of a machine-made Utopia which its author believed could be established straight away in Africa, and run on strictly business principles, of which the first is that everyone's business is to take care of himself. Of Hertzka's Utopia it is perhaps not unfair to say that it is too ' slick' to be true. (Daventry only)
'Gay Sparks'
This is the first of a now series of broadcasts
' arranged by ALBERT DE Courville , the well-known revue, producer