by EDGAR T. Cook
From Southwark Cathedral
P. J. DUFFY (Baritone)
From the Piccadilly Hotel
'Helen of Kirkconnell ' and other Scottish Songs (collected and arranged by Owen Mase ), sung by REX PALMER
' The Strange Fragrance,' a whimsical Barry
Pain Story-(as recorded by his daughter)
' The Juggler ' and other Piano Solos played by CECIL Dixon
' Pouched Animals,' a. Chat by Guy DOLLMAN
From the Astoria Cinema
IN the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
German town bands used to play dance tunes in sets, such a set being called a Partie.' ' Partita ' is the Italian form of the word, and composers for the Keyboard took this name for their suites of pieces in dance styles.
A Sketch in One Act by P. Bilton
With Incidental Music specially composed by Irvin Cooper
Characters in order of speaking:
Mrs. Pemberton's comfortable, although not luxurious, sitting-room is the scene of a little conflict between domesticity and genius. The result is as reassuring as it is unexpected.
Relayed from the Bishopsgate Institute
Dr. Schweitzer (born in 1875) is one of the most remarkable men in music, for besides writing a scholarly book on Bach that has taken rank as a foundational work, and undertaking (with Widor) an edition of the works of the master, he has been a teacher of theology in the University of Strasbourg, and has done distinguished work as a medical missionary in Africa; to this he has devoted himself for some ten years, performing most valuable research work, which has made his name internationally famous. It is safe to say that no musician's visits are more warmly appreciated than those - now very infrequent - of this eminent scholar and man of science, who has so signally devoted himself to the noblest of careers in the service of humanity.
(Picture on page 301.)
WHEN the Marquess Curzon of Kedleston died in 1925, one of the most interesting figures passed out of the world of affairs. From tho day when he was labelled by an Oxford epigram as a very superior person ' to the time when he returned from India in viceregal glory to enter on a new career as Foreign Secretary, ho was a character whose extraordinary success was redeemed from dullness by his equally extraordinary personal characteristics-for he was in many ways an eighteenth-century oligarch, born out of his time. Tonight Lord Ronaldshay, another Indian proconsul,' who recently published the first volume of the official biography of Lord Curzon, will give some reminiscences of that remarkable man.
(At the Piano, GEORGE REEVES )
Ridente la calma (Give back the} peace) - Mozart
Voi che sapete (Ye who know)' - Mozart
Das Veilehen (The Violet) - Mozart
Marienlicd (Song of Mary) - Marx
Lullaby - Cyril Scot
Morgon (Tomorrow) - Richard Strauss
Standchen (Serenade) - Richard Strauss
of Works by W. H. REED
(Leader, S. KNEALE KELLEY ) Conducted by The Composes
The Lincoln Imp
THE composer says of this piece, which he
' dedicated with affectionate esteem to Sir
Edward. Elgar, O.M.' : 'Concerning the Imp in Lincoln Cathedral, there is a legend that, when wandering bent upon mischief, he chanced to fall in with the North-East wind, riding upon it until the Cathedral was sighted. Bidding the North-East wind await his return, the Imp proceeded within. Vaulting the benches, he espied the bell rope, jangled the bells, strummed upon tho organ, tore the vestments to shreds, and broko the brazen candlesticks across his knees.
' Intending to work his crowning mischief upon the altar, he found his way barred by an angel; putting out his hand to stroke the wonderful shining hair, he was, for his presumption, immediately turned to stone.
' Tho North-East wind still waits for him outside.'
Caprice, ' Will-o'-the-Wisp '
Æsop's Fables
The Fox and the Grapes; Tho Wolf and the Lamb ; The Ox and the Frog ; The Fisherman and his Pipe ; The Dog in the Manger ; The Wind and the Sun
ALFREDO and his BAND, and THE NEW Princes ORCHESTRA, from the New Princes Restaurant