Relayed from Southwark Cathedral
W. R. TEMPRIEU Violin Solo
Tower Hill has seen many pathetic victims of the headman's axe, hut no story that ended there is more touching than that of Lady Jane Grey. In this talk Miss Rhoda Power will give a glimpse of the earlier and happier part of the 'nine-days'-queen's' career.
The idea of chivalry was never better expressed than in the famous Round Table of Caerleon, at which, legend has it, King Arthur and his most famous champions placed themselves on a level with the youngest and least experienced knights. The story of the Round Table; and of the great legendary figures who feasted at it, will be told this afternoon.
THE North of England is famous for its cakes,
-L and listeners who want to learn a few recipes from a North Country woman will have their chance this afternoon. Miss Lovell's somewhat unusual way of presenting recipes proved very popular last time she broadcast.
Mrs. Leo Hunter gives a Lunch Party (Dickens), after which, there is 'A Gamo of Bluff'. (Sheila
E. Brainc) followed by Piano Solos by CECIL. DIXON and Songs by REX PALMER
Played by Mrs. NORMAN O'NEILL