TTNLESS one is exceptionally conversant with the post-war map, one might be hard put to it to say off-hand under what Government Mr. Hindle travelled in Slovenia. As he will show in this talk, Slovenia, which is really part of Jugo-Slavia, is a pleasant land of clean towns, bright colours, hospitable landlords, and cafes where the peasants sit and talk-and talk well— all day.
: Songs and Imitations by Ronald Gourley. The Story of.' Dove-cote Doves ' (H. Mortimer Batten). Zoo Traps ' -with advice on how to avoid them-by Leslie G. Mainland
Played by SAMUEL KUTCHER (Violin)
REGINALD PAUL (Pianoforte)
Sonata No. 11, in G
Sonata No. 1, in E Minor (First Movement)
TTNDER the auspices of the Oversea Settle-U ment League, a scheme has been formed for taking a number of public school and University students round the Empire to see it for themselves. The first expedition, bound for South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, will start in March.
SOME time during the first half of last century a Miss Ross, of County Deny,
Ireland, heard and noted a very beautiful folk-tune. It had no name, and is presumed to bo very old. But everyone in the British Isles is now familiar with the Londonderry Air,' or the ' Irish Tune from County Dcrry,' which ,in both emotion and build is surely one of the finest folk-tunes any country can show.
VLADIMIR REBIKOV (1866?1920), a dramati.
' cally-ininded Russian, made some notable, if not very far-reaching experiments in harmony, and wrote several interesting works in which he endeavoured to combine miming with music and scenic effects. The piece of his that we are to hear comes from a set of such pieces entitled Dreams, five Melomimiques.' Ho describes melomining as ' a scenic art in which mimicry and instrumental music mingle in one indivisible whole. It differs from the ballet because the dance plays no part in it, and from pantomime pure and simple because in that music plays a part at least equal to that of mimicry. The region of mimicry begins where the word ceases and feeling reigns alone.'
In this piece demons sit, silent and motionless, watching admiringly the dancing of Satan's daughter. It is written oh the notes of the ' whole tone' scale—D Flat, E Flat, F. G, A, B.
THIS evening's ' ' traveller's tale' is to be told by a well-known lecturer and a vivid personality, who has already broadcast with considerable success. Mr. Eseott North really knows that ' wild and woolly West ' about which we have all heard so much; from the Canadian Rockies down to Mexico ho has travelled, lived, and worked, range-riding, harvesting, broncho-busting, being initiated into blood-brotherhood with the Blackfeet Indians, and generally doing all the things that they do in the wide open spaces where men are men, unless they happen to bo coyotes or greasers or skunks or dudes. Tonight he will describe the Redskins as they really arc today.
Specially designed and arranged by the well-known theatrical director
The Savoy Bands, from the Savoy Hotel