the " 2LO " Trio and Louise Gerard (Mezzo-Soprano).
"The Country Side - The Farmer's Year," by Patricia Johnson.
" by Ann Spice. Organ and Orchestral Music, relayed from Shepherd's Bush Pavilion. " The Missionary Vocation for Women," by Phyllis A. Hocken.
Katie Goldsmith (Solo Violin). "Poor Pop," from "Bo-Peep."
S.B. to all Stations.
Mr. A.S.E. Ackermann, B.Sc., Eng., (Lond.) A.M.I.C.E., "Popular Fallacies in Engineering and Science"
S.B. to all Stations.
S.B. to all Stations.
Parry Jones (Baritone).
Bret Hayden (Entertainer).
The "2LO" Augmented Military Band.
Conducted by Dan Godfrey, Junr.
The Band.
Bret Hayden.
"A Few Remarks."
" More Remarks "
The Band.
S.B. to all Stations.
Prof. R.S. Rait, C.B.E., LL.D., "Seven Critical Moments in British History - The Twenty-Ninth of May."
S.B. from Glasgow to all Stations.
Local News.
Relayed from the Savoy Hotel, London.
S.B. to all Stations.