Programme Index

Discover 11,128,835 listings and 281,728 playable programmes from the BBC

Sydney Pointer, Tenor, "The Minstrel", "Who goes by" (E. Martin)
R. V. Tabb, 'Cello, "Gavotte in B Flat" (Handel); "Last Movement cello sonata" (Mardello)
Claude Chandler, Entertainer, "A Coster Character Sketch”
Vivienne Chatterton, Soprano, "Un Reve" (A Dream) (Greig); "The Sun Whose Rays" (Mikado) (Sullivan)
Queenie Main, Violin, "Romance" (Edward Elgar)
Sydney Pointer, Tenor, "Marie My Girl" (Aitken); "Heart of Spring" (Montague Phillips)
R. V. Tabb, 'Cello, "Old Swedish Air" (Arr. Squire)
Claude Chandler, Entertainer, "I'm Getting Better and Better" (Rudd)
Vivienne Chatterton, Soprano, "Phyllils was a faire maide" (Elizabethan)
Queenie Main, Violin, "Minuet" (Pugnini, Arr. Kreisler)

At the Piano: L. Stanton Jefferies, A.R.C.M.

Aeolian Duo-Art, Pianola, "The Farmer's Wedding" (Ewing); "Whispering" Valse (J. Schonberger)
Vivienne Chatterton, Soprano, "A Summer Bird" (Harold Simpson)
Queenie Main, Violin, "Souvenir" (Drula)
Aeolian Duo-Art, Pianola, "Chong" (Harold Weeks)

At the Piano: L. Stanton Jefferies, A.R.C.M.

2LO London

About this data

While most of the data in the BBC’s Programme Index is drawn from Radio Times and BBC programmes pages, a minority of listings have been compiled using the BBC’s own historical documents and early BBC listings printed in contemporary newspapers.