David Brazell, Vocalist, "O, Flower of all the world" (Finden)
Stella Hackman, Entertainer, "The Soliloquy of the Fire", "Illegible" (Valentine)
Alice Lilley, Soprano, "The Piper of Love" (Molly Carew)
Aeolian Duo-Art, Pianola, "Coal Black Mammy" (Ivy St. Helier)
David Brazell, Vocalist, "Harlequin" (Sanderson)
Stella Hickman, Entertainer, "Merchandise"
Alice Lilley, Soprano, "Garden of Happiness" (Daniel Wood)
Aeolian Duo-Art, Pianola, "You're the very Girl" (William Daly)
At the Piano: L. Stanton Jefferies, A.R.C.M.