11:30Gramophone Records.2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 11:30 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
15:00The Station Pianoforte Quartet.2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 15:00 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:00Afternoon Topics.2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 16:00 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:15Patrick Thomson's Orchestra.2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 16:15 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:15FOR THE CHILDREN.2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 17:15 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:00Musical Interlude.2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 18:00 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:30Programme. H.B from London.2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 18:30 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
20:00Programme2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 20:00 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio TimesS.B. from Glasgow. Source: Radio Times
21:30Programme2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 21:30 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio TimesS.B. from London. Source: Radio Times
22:30JEFFRIES .AND HIS RIALTO ORCHESTRA2EH Edinburgh Thu 19th Aug 1926, 22:30 on 2EH EdinburghView in Radio Timesfrom the Marine Gardens, Portobello. Source: Radio Times