Mr. W. Forbes Gray,
F.R.S.E.: " Peeps at Edinburgh's Past" (3).
" by a Woman
S.B. from London.
Horticultural Bulletin.
S.B. from London.
M A. : " True Travellers' Tales" (2). S.B. from Aberdeen.
Under the Direction of JACK LEIGH. Will Present a Varied and Novel Musical
"by E. Raithby.
A Play with a musical interest, specially written for broadcasting. Second Prize-winner in our recent Programmes Competition.
Cast :
Henry Trench (A Musician) Anna Trench (His Wife) Brian Trench (Their Son)
M. Aurisoste (A Teacher of Music)
Presented by JAY KING.
The Play opens in the sitting-room of Trench's house, in the late afternoon. Anna is hushing her infant son off to sleep. The Second Act takes place 18 years later.
S.B. from London.