16:00Restaurant Music from Draffen's2DE Dundee Sat 5th Dec 1925, 16:00 on 2DE DundeeView in Radio Timesunder the Direction of John Reid.ContributorsUnknown:John Reid. Source: Radio Times
17:00Afternoon Topic.2DE Dundee Sat 5th Dec 1925, 17:00 on 2DE DundeeView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:15CHILDREN'S CORNER.2DE Dundee Sat 5th Dec 1925, 17:15 on 2DE DundeeView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:50Children's Letters.2DE Dundee Sat 5th Dec 1925, 17:50 on 2DE DundeeView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:00Musical Interlude2DE Dundee Sat 5th Dec 1925, 18:00 on 2DE DundeeView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:15Programme2DE Dundee Sat 5th Dec 1925, 18:15 on 2DE DundeeView in Radio TimesS.B. from London. Source: Radio Times