15:30S.B. from London.2BE Belfast Sun 20th Jan 1929, 15:30 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Timesapp. Source: Radio Times
19:00Evensong relayed from St. James's Parish Church. Opening Voluntary, Second Movement from Sonata No. 2 (Rheinberger). Hymn, ' Through the night of doubt and sorrow' (I.C.H., No. 618). Psalm 84. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, 'Gregorian Tones' (arr. C Wood). 2BE Belfast Sun 20th Jan 1929, 19:00 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
20:45S.B. from London2BE Belfast Sun 20th Jan 1929, 20:45 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
22:30Epilogue2BE Belfast Sun 20th Jan 1929, 22:30 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times