Time Signal, Greenwich, at 10.30
including Weather Forecast, followed by Scottish Announcements and Scottish Market Prices for Farmers
Bard, Feallsanach agus Fear-Litreachais. lomradh air a bheatha is a shaothair. le IAIN MACGHILLEATHAIN
Sangs an' Stories aboot a' mainner o' gypitness o' langsinsyne, wi' the seventh o' the Auld Wives' Tales
This ane'll tell ye hoo tae Hunt the Gowk
Tom Kinniburgh (baritone): Gang awa', bonnie lassie (trad.)
Margaret F. Stewart (soprano) : I'm glad my he'rts my ain (arr. Inglis)
Tom Kinniburgh (with male chorus):
When you and I were young (trad.)
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
The New Queen's Hall Orchestra, conducted by Sir Alexander Mackenzie :
Weather Forecast and News